Set Pad

Set Pad mode, packetSize, bufferSize

mode Bit mode (0 to 255)
packetSize Packet size (1 to 255)
bufferSize Receive buffer size (1 to 255)

The Cubloc has a dedicated port for keypad / touchpad inputs similar to a PC’s keyboard or mouse port. This port can be used with the Set Pad command to create interrupts when input is received on a keypad, touchpad, etc.,. This port is as an SPI slave.

To use pad communication, you must use a Set Pad command at the beginning of your program. Pad communication uses 4 wires. SCK is used as the clock signal, SS as the slave select, MOSI as the master out/slave in, and MISO as master in/slave out.

I/O ports P0 through P3 can be used for pad communication.

The packetSize parameter sets the packet size need to cause an interrupt. For example, the Cutouch panel requires 4 bytes to be received before an interrupt is generated. The bufferSize parameter is the total size of the receive buffer. The buffer size must be at least 1 more than the packet size. A larger buffer will essentially give you more time to process the interrupt service routine. The buffer size is usually set to 5 or 10 times the packet size. The mode parameter will set the receiving mode of the received data. Please refer to the following table:

The receiving modes can be added together. For example, for MSB first, High-Edge Triggered SCK, and sampling after SCK:

  0x00 + 0x00 + 0x04 = 0x04

Here are some common examples:

For pad communications, you can use Comfile’s keypads and touch screens.

The Set Pad command will automatically set the I/O mode of ports P0 through P3; the user doesn’t have to set them.

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