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Type Conversion

Type conversion can be used to convert the variable to the desired representation.


Converts the variable to a string representation of a hexadecimal value (16 bit). Hex8 means to convert to 8 decimal places. (1 to 8 can be used for decimal places)

Debug Hex A          ' If A is 123ABC, 123ABC is printed
Debug Hex8 A         ' If A is 123ABC, bb123ABC is printed,
                     ' b is a blank space in this case.
Debug Hex5 A         ' If A is 123ABC, 23ABC is printed, first character is cut.


Converts an integer variable to a string representation of a decimal (10 bit). Dec8 means to convert to 8 decimal places. (1 to 11 can be used for decimal places)

Debug Dec A           ' If A is 1234, 1234 is printed.
Debug Dec10 A         ' If A is 1234, bbbbbb1234 is printed,
                      ' b is a blank space in this case.
Debug Dec3 A          ' If A is 1234, 234 is printed, first character is cut


Include the name of the variable by using question mark (?). This question mark can only be used with HEX or DEC.

Debug Dec ? A         ' If A is 1234, "A=1234" will be printed.
Debug Hex ? A         ' If A is &HABCD, "A=ABCD" will be printed.
Debug Hex ? B         ' If B is a variable within a subroutine
                      ' (for example: subroutine CONV) with a value of
                      ' &HABCD "B_@_CONV=ABCD" will be printed


Use Float to convert floating point values to String.

Const Device = cb280
Dim F1 As Single
F1 = 3.14
Debug Float F1,cr          ' Print "3.14000".
Dim ST As String * 15
ST = Float F1              ' First store in a String.
ST = Left(ST,3)            ' Convert to 3 decimal places
Debug ST                   ' Print "3.14".

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