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The PT100Ω is a temperature sensor widely used in the industrial field because it can measure a wide range of temperatures from -100 to +500 degrees Celsius. The ML-THRT1 module converts the resistance value of the PT100Ω sensor to a digital temperature value. Simply read the digital value via Modbus RTU over RS-485.




Input Power 5VDC
Temperature Sensor RTD (PT100Ω / 3-Wire)
Measurement Range -100 ~ 500 ℃
Precision ±0.5%
Operating Temperature -10 ~ 60 ℃
Operating Humidity 35 ~ 85%RH
Sampling Period 200ms
Allowable Sensor Wire Resistance Not more than 10Ω per wire, but each wire should have the same resistance.
Communication Method RS-485 Modbus RTU
57600bps, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity (Fixed, cannot be changed)
Packet Transfer Speed 3ms
Electrical Isolation None


A termination resistor may be necessary if a ML-THRT1 is the last node in an RS-485 network.

Data Format

The ML-THRT1 returns the digital temperature multiplied by 10 in 2 bytes. For example, a value of 20.5°C will be returned as 205 (0x00DC). Negative values have the most significant bit set to 1. For example, a value of -20.5°C will be returned as 32988 (0X80DC). For negative values, subtract 32768 to obtain the absolute value.

Modbus Communication Protocol

The Modbus slave address can be set using the rotary dial (0 ~ 10) on the side the ML-THRT1.

To read the digital temperature value, send a Modbus query with Function code 3 and data length 1 to start address 400 (0x0190).

MOACON Example

The following example illustrates how to use the ML-THRT1 with the MOACON.

#include "moacon500.h"
void cmain(void)
    openCom(0, 57600, com8N1);
    int Temp;
    char res;    
        res = RTU_readRegs(0, 1, &Temp, 400, 1);        
        if(res == -1)
            printf("Temp = %d", Temp);
            printf("Temp = Error");


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