
void comFlush (u8 comCh)

comCh : Channel number

Clears the receive buffer for channel comCh.

 char c[64];
 openCom(0, 115200, C8N1);            // Channel 0, 115200 Baud,
                                      // data bits: 8, no parity, stop bits: 1
 while (1)                            // Repeat forever
   if(comLen(0) > 0)                  // if data exists in the receive buffer
     comGets(0, c, 64);               // Read data from receive buffer in store it
                                      // and store it in char array, c.
     if (portIn(0) == 0) comFlush(0); // when push s/w connect at port 0, clear channel 0.

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