
u16 comLen (u8 comCh)

comCh : Channel number

Gets the amount of data in receive buffer for channel comCh. If data is not taken out of the receive buffer with functions like comGet, and the receive buffer is filled, any additional incoming data will be discarded. To avoid losing incoming data, be sure to read data as it arrives.

#include "moacon500.h"
void cmain(void)
 char c[64];
 openCom(0, 115200, C8N1);            // Channel 0, 115200 Baud,
                                      // data bits: 8, no parity, stop bits: 1
 while (1)                            // Repeat forever
   if(comLen(0) > 0)                  // if data exists in the receive buffer
     comGets(0, c, 64);               // Read data from receive buffer in store it
                                      // and store it in char array, c.

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