
void freqOut (u8 pwmChannel, u32 freqVal)

pwmChannel : PWM channel
freqValue: Approximate frequency

Creates a pulse on PWM channel pwmChannel of frequency freqValue.

freqOut can only be used on one channel in a group at a time. The High-Speed Counter Module has 2 PWM groups, so 2 waveforms with different frequencies can be created.

FreqOut (0, 440);    // Creates a waveform of approximately 440Hz
                     // on PWM channel 0. pwm functions cannot be
                     // used on channels 1, 2, or 3.
FreqOut (5, 30000);  // Creates a waveform of approximately 30kHz.
                     // pwm functions cannot be used on channels 4,6, or 7.

freqOut is just a specialized form of the pwm function, so to turn off the pulse, use the pwmOff function.

freqOut(0,435);      // Create a 435Hz pulse on PWM channel 0
delay(1000);         // Run the pulse for 1 second
pwmoff(0);           // Turn off the pulse

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