
int getHadc (u8 adcId, u8 adcCh)

adcId : The ID of the AD Input Module (0 ~ 9)
adcCh: The channel on the AD Input Module (1 ~ 4)
returns the digitally converted value read from the ADC

Gets the digitally converted value from analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on AD Input Module adcId, channel adcCh. getHadc is for the RS-HADIN4 module. The module ID, adcId, is set using the rotary switch on the module's face.

Dipswitch #2 Return Value Exceptions
ON (0 ~ 10V) Value between 0 and 10,00Open Circuit: 3100 ~ 3200
OFF (1 ~ 5V) Value between 0 and 10,000 Below 0.8V: 111,111
Above 5.2V: 555,555
Open Circuit: 111,111
#include "moacon500.h"
void cmain(void)
 int voltage;
 while(1)                          //Run forever
     voltage = getAdc(0, 1);       //Read from the ADC (Module 0, Channel 1)
     printf("%d\r\n", voltage);    //Print value to the debug console
     delay(100);                   //Wait for 100ms

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