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Setting up a Development Environment

The following instructions describe how to set up a development environment for programming writing CFNET applications using Visual Studio and C#.


Please perform the follow procedure precisely in the order shown:

  1. Download and install Visual Studio. Be sure to select the .NET desktop development workload. If you plan to also create ASP.NET applications, also install the ASP.NET and web development workload.
  2. Open a command prompt, and run the following command to install the Nuget source for downloading the necessary CFNET libraries and templates.
    dotnet nuget add source --name "COMFILE Technology"
  3. Run the following command to install the CFNET templates.
    dotnet new install Cfnet.Templates

To ensure a consistent appearance in both Korean and English, on both Windows and Linux, all jControls NF4 project and item templates use the Nanum Gothic fonts. Before opening or using any of the templates in the Cfnet.Templates package, please download and install the Nunum Gothic TrueType font package. On Windows, copy the files to the C:\Windows\Fonts\ directory. On Linux, install the package with sudo apt install fonts-nanum.

Video Demonstration

The following video demonstrates the development process:

  • Installing the COMFILE Technology Nuget feed.
  • Installing the COMFILE Technology project templates.
  • Creating a new jControl and CFHEADER project.
  • Running the project.
  • Debugging the project form withing Visual Studio.
  • Deploying to and running the project on to a ComfilePi panel PC.

API Documentation

Browse the API documentation for all the CFNET libraries at COMFILE Technology's API documentation site.


  • To uninstall the CFNET templates, run the following in a command prompt.
    dotnet new uninstall Cfnet.Templates
  • To remove the Nuget source, run the following in a command prompt.
    dotnet nuget remove source "COMFILE Technology"
cfnet/development_environment.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/15 14:07 by COMFILE Technology