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Installing the ComfilePi SDK

After installing Qt Creator, the ComfilePi SDK can be installed.

Download the ComfilePI SDK

Download the ComfilePi SDK from the link below:

Install the ComfilePi SDK

The installation directory's path should not contain any spaces.

A couple of console windows will appear in order to extract files from the compressed archives. They will take a few minutes to complete.

Finally, press the Finish button to finish the installation.

Verify the Installation

From the Windows Start Menu, browse to the Comfile Tools folder and select the Qt Creator (ComfilePi) item. This shortcut points Qt Creator to a settings folder containing a Qt Kit already prepared by COMFILE Technology for the ComfilePi.

If the Shortcut Doesn't Work

If Qt Creator is not installed in the expected location, the Qt Creator (ComfilePi) shortcut may not work, or may not exist. To remedy this, simply modify the shortcut, or create a new shortcut to…

Target: {Qt Creator Installation Path}\bin\qtcreator.exe -settingspath {ComfilePi SDK Installation Path}

Start In: {ComfilePi SDK Installation Path}.


Target: C:\Qt\qtcreator-4.2.1\bin\qtcreator.exe -settingspath C:\Comfile\ComfilePi\

Start In: C:\Comfile\ComfilePi

Running Qt Creator

If all is well, Qt Creator will run and the following window will appear.

Go to Tools–>Options, and in the Options window that appears, go to Build & Run–>Kits. There the ComfilePi kit should appear as shown below:

Configuring the Device Properties

In the Options window, go to the Devices and update the Host name, Username, and Password as necessary for the specific ComfilePi device to develop and debug for.

Press the Test button to test your settings.

Qt Creator is now configured and ready for developing, deploying, and debugging software for the ComfilePi.

comfilepi/install_the_comfilepi_sdk/index.1657092805.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/06 16:33 by COMFILE Technology