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Ensuring Reliable RS-485 Communication

On the CPi-A, CPi-B, and CPi-S panel PCs the RS-485 port utilizes the Broadcom SoC's mini-UART. The mini-UART has a number of limitations that need to be considered to ensure reliable communication. Please see the Raspberry Pi documentation for detailed information on the mini-UART.

To avoid the limitations of the mini-UART altogether, you might also consider the CPi-C panel PCs, as their RS-485 port does not utilize the mini-UART, and not subject to its limitations.

The mini-UART's clock is also dependent on the SoC's core clock. This means, that to ensure reliable communication, the SoC's core clock frequency must remain constant 1).

To ensure the SoC's core frequency remains constant, please implement all of the following:

  • Ensure core_freq=250 is added to the /boot/config.txt file to ensure the core frequency is configured to a predictable setting.
  • Change the contents of /etc/default/cpufrequtils to GOVERNOR="performance". The default is ondemand, which should actually be fine for most use cases, but performance will provide extra insurance.
  • Ensure the core frequency does not throttle due to high temperatures. The SoC should not begin throttling unless the core temperature reaches 80℃ 2), so to ensure reliable communication, the SoC's core temperature must remain lower than 80℃.

To check the current core temperature run vcgencmd measure_temp and ensure it remains below 80℃.

To check the current core frequency run vcgencmd measure_clock core and ensure it remains approximately 250MHz.

To check if the system has been throttled run vcgencmd get_throttled. See the Raspberry Pi documentation for information on how to interpret the output. Or inspect the “Throttled” output from the following script:

#Flag Bits
#Text Colors
GREEN=`tput setaf 2`
RED=`tput setaf 1`
NC=`tput sgr0`
#Output Strings
#Get Status, extract hex
STATUS=$(vcgencmd get_throttled)
echo -n "Status: "
(($STATUS!=0)) && echo "${RED}${STATUS}${NC}" || echo "${GREEN}${STATUS}${NC}"
echo "Undervolted:"
echo -n "   Now: "
((($STATUS&UNDERVOLTED)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo -n "   Run: "
((($STATUS&HAS_UNDERVOLTED)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo "Throttled:"
echo -n "   Now: "
((($STATUS&THROTTLED)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo -n "   Run: "
((($STATUS&HAS_THROTTLED)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo "Frequency Capped:"
echo -n "   Now: "
((($STATUS&CAPPED)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo -n "   Run: "
((($STATUS&HAS_CAPPED)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo "Softlimit:"
echo -n "   Now: "
((($STATUS&SOFT_TEMPLIMIT)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
echo -n "   Run: "
((($STATUS&HAS_SOFT_TEMPLIMIT)!=0)) && echo "${YES}" || echo "${NO}"
comfilepi/troubleshooting_rs485_communication.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/17 10:11 by COMFILE Technology