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Setting the CUWIN's Operating Mode

The CUWIN is very flexible and can operate in many modes depending on the CUWIN's final purpose. The following table lists the CUWIN's different operating modes.

Development Mode

Development mode boots the device to the operating system's desktop which is the typical environment for software development.

CUWIN Model DIP Switch Configuration
5000/6000/CWA Series 1-On, the rest Off
CWV / CWV2 Series All Off

AutoRun Mode

To configure the CUWIN to automatically run a program when the system boots, create the folder “\Flash Disk\AutoRun” (or “\Storage Card\AutoRun” for the SD card) and copy the *.exe file to execute into that folder. Then configure the device for AutoRun mode.

CUWIN Model AutoRun DIP Switch Configuration
5000/6000/CWA Series 1-On, 2-On, the rest Off
CWV / CWV2 Series 2-On, the rest Off
CWR Use the dedicated “AUTO RUN” switch on the back of the device next to the COM3 port

CUWIN - Windows CE Industrial Touchscreen Panel PC

cuwin/setting_the_cuwin_s_operating_mode_dip_s_w_setting/index.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/29 09:49 by COMFILE Technology