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The BASIC Preprocessor

The BASIC preprocessor is a macro processor that is used automatically by the compiler to transform your program before compilation. It is called a macro processor because it allows you to define macros, which are brief abbreviations for longer constructs.

Cubloc BASIC uses a preprocessor similar to the C language. Preprocessor directives like #include and #define can be used to include files and process code before compiling.

#include "filename"

Reuse code by including source files. For files in the same directory as the current source file, you can write the following:

#include "MYLIB.cub"

For files in other directories, you will need to include the full path name as shown here:

#include "c:\mysource\CUBLOC\lib\mylib.cub"

Using include files, you can store all of your common subroutines in a separate file. In this case, please make sure to #include the subroutine file at the very end of your program, after the End statement.

#define name constants

By using #define, you can assign names to values before compiling.

#define motorport 4
Low motorport

In the example above, motorport will be compiled as 4. You can also use CONST for similar tasks. However, CONST will use data memory; #define will only use program memory.

CONST motorport = 4
Low motorport

The following example uses #define for replacing a line of code:

#define FLAGREG1 2
#define f_led FLAGREG1.BIT0
#define calc (4+i)*256
f_led = 1 ' Set FLAGREG1’s bit zero to 1.
If f_led = 1 Then f_led = 0 ' Make it easier to read.
j = calc 'Calculations can be simplified


The “name” argument in a #define statement is not case-sensitive. For example, #define ALPHA 0 and #define alpha 0 do not define different constants. They both define the same constant.

Conditional Directives

A conditional directive is a directive that instructs the preprocessor to select whether or not to include a part of code before compilation. Preprocessor conditional directives can test arithmetic expressions, or whether a name is defined as a macro.

Here are some reasons to use a conditional.

A program may need to use different code depending on the module it is to run on. In some cases the code for one module may be different on another module. With a conditional directive, a BASIC program may be programmed to compile on any of the Cubloc/Cutouch modules without making changes to the source code.

If you want to be able to compile the same source file into two different programs. For example one version might be compiled with debugging statements, and one without.

#if constant ... #endif

The preprocessor directive #if will compare a constant declared with CONST to another constant. If the #if statement is true, the statements inside the #if…#endif block will be compiled, otherwise the statements will be discarded.

Const Device = CB280
Delay 500
' Device only returns the decimal number
#If Device = 220
 Debug "CB220 module used!"

The above example illustrates how, depending on the type of Cubloc/Cutouch declared, you can decide to include a command in the final compilation of your program. Using conditional directives, you will be able to write applications for different Cubloc/Cutouch modules with just one source file.

Using the preprocessor directive #elseif or #else, you can create more complex #if…#endif expressions.

Const Device = CB220
Delay 500
' Device only returns the decimal number
#If Device = 220
  Debug "CB220 module used!"
#elseif device = 280
Debug "CB280 module used!"
#elseif device = 290
Debug "CB290 module used!"
#elseif device = 1720
Debug "CT1720 module used!"

#else may only be used ONCE in an #if expression. Also, you can only compare constants declared with the CONST statement in a #if directive.

#ifdef name ... #endif

You can use #ifdef to check if a constant was previously defined with a #define directive or CONST statment. If the constant has been previously defined, the statements inside the #if…#endif block will be compiled, otherwise they will be discarded.

#define LOWMODEL 0
Low 0

In the above example, since LOWMODEL is defined, the statement LOW 0 is compiled.

#else #elseifdef may be used for more complex expressions as shown below:

    Low 0
#elseifdef HIGHMODEL
    High 0
    Low 1

#ifndef name ... #endif

#ifndef is the opposite of the #ifdef directive. If a constant has not been defined, the statements inside a #ifndef…#endif block will be compiled, otherwise the statements will be discarded.

#define LOWMODEL 0
#ifndef LOWMODEL
    Low 0

#elseifndef and #else may be used for more complex expressions as shown below:

#ifndef LOWMODEL
    Low 0
#elseifndef HIGHMODEL
    High 0
    Low 1

Finally, the directives may be mixed as shown below:

#if MODELNO = 0
    Low 0
#elseifdef HIGHMODEL
    High 0
    Low 1

Nested #if directives are not supported; #if may not be used inside another #if.

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